Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So it begins.

So I have ninety-two days until I go back to Vassar. 
I had a list of books and movies and TV shows and shit I wanted to do. Then I lost it. Then I made a new one, but it was shorter and contained significantly more Disney Channel Original Movies. Then I did NOT lose that one, but I have this sneaking suspicion I accidently threw it away with some of my school things but am not about to rifle through trash to find it again.
Moral of the story? Clearly I am not responsible enough to have goals that contain bullet points or are easily thrown away in a fit of Oprah-inspired cleansing. So I have a new plan for summer 2011. 
It’s similar to ‘Two Girls, One Cup.’ But only if you replace the ‘Girls’ with ‘Books’ and ‘Cup’ with ‘Blog.’ Which books, you ask? Well. A wise man once remarked [read: some frat boy once drunkenly slurred, possibly at me, probably at my boobs, almost definitely at the cans of Heineken he was double-fisting] ‘GO BIG OR GO HOME.’ So yeah, dude, I’m going almost as big as you can go in the world of literature: Shakespeare and God. 
So yeah. I’m live-blogging the Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Oh yeah. And the Bible (King James Version, natch). Not sure if it will be on Tumblr or on some other form of…thing. Thoughts? Feelings? Opinions? Concerns.
Gonna go buy a Bible. Accidently put mine in storage. Whoooops. Sorry about that, Jesus. Also sorry for introducing you with a Two Girls, One Cup reference. But we’re gonna get along great, probably. 

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